Hello there! This is my first post on my blog, JellyBites, and welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m super excited to share my passions with the world. I have explored with many mediums throughout the years and I believe the ways in which an artist shares their work with the world is part of the art itself. This is what attracted me so much to the idea of building my own website.Â
With the internet constantly changing to fit current needs and trends, I find that I have grown fascinated with the over-the-top garish website design of the early internet. In fact I’ll be honest and say that I have grown bored with the hyper-minimalist site trends that have exploded in recent years. The internet now, at least the major sites that are frequented by millions, are flat with a minimal palate and the same boring sans-serif fonts. I hope my site can step away from this and create a sanctuary for the maximalist way of thinking.Â